Willkommen auf die persönliche Webseite von Nery Alaev.
A staggering increase in investment for EU start-ups between 2013 and 2014 has indicated that the market is growing at a fervent rate. I’ve decided to look in to this phenomenon – which parts of the region are strongest, what…
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This week, affordable housing was identified as a potential boom sector by experts in real estate. I have decided to examine this and the reasons why Germany is fast becoming a potential hotspot for real estate investment. Attractive locations The…
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It’s easy to denigrate all of your online business networking to LinkedIn, given the ubiquity and reach of the site, but it’s worthwhile remembering that there’s a wealth of localised networks available for business practitioners across the world that are…
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The Quantitative Easing programme enacted to stimulate Europe’s sluggish economy has found advocates in the form of real estate buyers. I have taken notice of this and have decided to divulge on the issue, in order to draw a conclusion.…
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The stock markets have been turbulent of late due to the falling price of oil, political sanctions constricting economies and the recent slump in Chinese GDP growth. Because of this, physical assets such as gold and real estate have received…
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